Fabian Hartzenberg
Fabian is one of the very talent teachers at the Frank Joubert Art Centre. He is also on of the contributing artists for iLanga Art's Light the Night theme. Please let us introduce you to Fabian!
Fabian is a home-grown Capetonian, who attended Bellville Technical High School, before going on to Cape Peninsula University of Technology, CPUT. Here he obtained a degree in Service and Textile Design, after which he entered the world of graphic design. After working in the field for four years, Fabian decided to pursue a degree in education, also at CPUT. It was a surprising change of direction in the eyes of his family, but one that has paid off in terms of passion and fulfillment. For the past six years, he has worked at the Art Centre, inspiring students through textile printing and stencil patterning.
Fabian's many roles at the Frank Joubert Art Centre include: FET Surface Design, Grade 8/9, LSEN and Ibhabhathane Team Leader. Luckily for iLanga Art, we caught him between terms, allowing him some time to produce a few of our amazing artworks. His passion for his craft is evident with number of creative solutions he has come up with to "Light the Night."
His love for his work radiates from him, so we asked Fabian what is his favourite part of his job:
"The fact that you learn so much more from the learners than you could ever expect. They keep me current. They challenge me. Whether it is my high school students, the teachers I train, or the special needs children, all my work is extremely rewarding. The high school students keep my designs fresh and me young. The teachers, especially in Mpumalanga, are inspiring as they teach children who come from nothing, and are able to use/recycle what is around them into their art programmes. Lastly, the creativity and innocence of the special needs children is refreshing and reminds me of what is truely important to me."
His views matches those of the members of iLanga Art perfectly. He sounds like an long-time professional, but he is only 30 years young. His wisdom and talent, though, is endless, making him an ideal collaborator for iLanga Art.